
Out of Schedule Samples

Laboratories enrolled with ANQAP may request additional panels of samples.  These ‘Out of Schedule’ panels are useful when establishing or evaluating new tests and may be sent to the laboratory with the expected result for each sample provided. Out of Schedule Panel reports are not NATA endorsed reports.

ANQAP will always reserve the right to refuse requests for additional samples if stocks are low.

Sample Donation

ANQAP appreciate donations of sample material and are in need of serum donations from animals for any of the tests listed below, particularly those in bold.

ANQAP are in the process of introducing two new tests and are in need of samples for Bovine herpesvirus and Equine herpesvirus.

BVD is the only disease that antigen positive serum, ear notch and whole blood is required for.

Aino VNT positive serum
Akabane ELISA and VNT positive serum
Avian Influenza AGID positive serum
Bluetongue AGID, ELISA and VNT positive serum
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea AGID, ELISA and VNT positive serum
Brucella abortus (Bovine and Ovine) CFT and ELISA positive serum
Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus ELISA positive serum
Enzootic Bovine Leucosis ELISA positive serum and milk
Epizootic Haemorrhagic Disease AGID positive serum
Bovine Ephemeral Fever VNT positive serum
Equine Infectious Anaemia AGID positive serum
Equine Viral Arteritis VNT positive serum
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Virus ELISA and VNT positive serum
Johne’s Disease (Bovine) CFT and ELISA positive serum
Johne’s Disease (Ovine and Caprine) AGID positive serum
Leptospiral serovars Hardjo, Pomona or Tarassovi MAT positive serum
Newcastle Disease Virus HIT positive serum

Q Fever CFT positive serum

We would also appreciate donations of negative serum from avian, bovine, caprine, porcine, lapine, equine and ovine animals.

Ideally, donations should be in quantities of 200mL or more, however smaller donations are also appreciated.

ANQAP will cover any courier/mailing costs, but must be notified in advance for specific mailing requirements.